K0REA EC0N0MICS French authorities order to recall Korean ramen ... It was recently discovered that Korean ramen, whose harmful substances greatly exceed the standard, was recalled in France toward the end of last year. According to the French Consumer Recall Integrated Portal on the Twenty eighth, Ottogi's "Jin Ramen Spicy Flavor", which was sold throughout France from November Fifteenth to December Twenty-fourth last year, has been recalled. This is because Two-chloroethanol was detected excessively. (The following is omitted, please check the source for the continuation.)
Thirty-six Thousand Three Hundred sixty-two new coronavirus infections in South Korea, over Thirty Thousand for the first time [Seoul Yonhap News] South Korea's Central Epidemic Prevention Headquarters announced on the Fifth that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in Japan as of midnight on this day increased by Thirty-six Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-two from midnight on the previous day to a cumulative total of nine hundred seventy thousand One Thousand eighteen. Announced that it became. Due to the spread of the mutant strain "Omicron strain", the number of newly infected people per day exceeded Thirty Thousand for the first time.
:weekly-jitsuwa.jp/archives/55977 Ruriko Kojima, work disappears one after another Appearance program ends one after another, the name does not appear at the production meeting ... Do you advance to YouTube for rebirth? Kojima, who dominated the world as a barracsol, is in a pinch. "My work is running out more and more, and the radio program "Mikoji Radio" (Nippon Broadcasting) that graduated from NHK E-TELE's "Science ZERO", which was an MC, and serves as a personality with Masakazu Mimura of comedy duo "Wander-zu", was also announced to be the end of the program. The program related to Kojima ended one after another, so it became a hot topic that something had been done again" (commercial tv station official) Speaking of kodori, the association with Yasuhisa Hara, the author of the popular manga "Kingdom", was reported in "Weekly Post" in two thousand twenty, and it was dried on TV for a while. "In this report, it was rumored that the period of association with Mr. Hara overlapped with the marriage period with the ex-wife, and the image of "affair looting" has been followed. In fact, there was no such fact, but after that, there was a suspicion that the relationship period overlapped with the former idol that Mr. Hara was dating, and I was involved in a bifurcated riot. II was removed from the TV due to the deterioration of my image, and I lost my job at once. After the catastrophe with Mr. Hara in June two thousand twenty-one, he appeared as a guest on a variety show as a bukkake character, but it is far from popular like its heyday" (the same person concerned) The name of Ruriko Kojima disappeared at the production meeting ...
:the-ans.jp/beijing-olympics-2022/216092/ South Korean opening ceremony wear criticized by overseas reporters "It's a terrible design" "It's a fashion country ..." The Beijing Olympics opened on the fourth The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was held on the fourth. Representatives from each country marched in various outfits, but South Korea wore down with the motif of the Taebaek Mountains. An overseas writer who specializes in Korean culture complained on SNS, saying, "Korea is known as a fashion country, but what is this? It's embarrassing." South Korea that appeared Seventy-third. The players marched in a white down jacket that represented the mountains.
:natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/21/102600526/ The Covid-Nineteen influence that pedalersincrease in the United States of the overwhelming car society. :news.livedoor.com/article/detail/21135643/ Forty-Four Thousand heads in Chiba damaged bythe "Kyon" mass outbreak. /.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20211104-OYT1T50109/ "A production center becomes extinct asweet potato disease to be depressed by as it is" extended ... farmhouses ofthe whole country. :.tokyo-sports.co.jp/entame/news/3771985/ Latest YouTube of Yukina Kinoshita"enshrines a low evaluation" again, and the fake crying negation is worriedabout the future, too. /.tokyo-sports.co.jp/entame/news/3771241/ drug entertainer three former idol,actor, super popular actress ... Covid-Nineteen which the authorities aimat can become vacant; and the investigation making a strenuouseffort. :news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_international/articles/000234189.htmlI criticize it by a becoming a Buddhist priestcontribution during the shootingfull of the daughter blood of the gun shootingby mistake actor.
A woman was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder MAEBASHI station. On the Thirteenth, the Maebashi police station arrested an unemployed woman 「Seventy three」 in Tokashindenmachi, Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, on suspicion of attempted murder, while trying to kill a man living with him by cutting it with a kitchen knife. The alleged arrest was on the morning of the same day, when he tried to kill a man 「Seventy three」 of unknown occupation who lived with him by cutting the forehead with a kitchen knife. The man was injured and was taken to the hospital. The office is investigating the detailed situation.
:.cnn.co.jp/business/35179181.html United States Robin Hood, the personalinformation for Seven million people flow out. p.bbc.com/japanese/59243599 The consumer price index of October in theUnited States, way of Thirty years high rate of climb inflationdo not stop. :.tv-tokyo.co.jp/plus/business/entry/2021/024853.html Liquor went out distribution from the shelf ofthe tumultuous retail store in the United States? t/president.jp/articles/-/51693 Five percent look at the fat to be able to burn limit …scientifically and "get thinner if I exercise," but "it is obese with exercise, and any connection is notseen" the reason that is a howler. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/284666 I purchase "urea water" in c0nsumers, Japanesemarket ○f K0rea. p/president.jp/articles/-/51725 The common sense called "the meal that thebreakfast is the most important during one day" is scientific and is alie.
《covid-nineteen》 five nundred first new positives and first dead in Gunma prefecture. Gunma Prefecture announced on the tenth that five hundred first new positives were found and one died of a new coronavirus infection. The total number of confirmed infections in Gunma Prefecture was seventy-five thousand two hundred seventy-four (of which two hundred ninety-six died).
The United States of America red deer ismass infection. :news.nifty.com/article/world/china/12181-884617/ The unexpected number of results ...reproduction, the number of the low evaluations of the Yukina Kinoshita YouTubedebut. /jisin.jp/entertainment/entertainment-news/2032819/?rf=2 I announce an alarm bell report for theUnited States Department of Defense, rapid nuclear capability expansion ofChina. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35178958.html [K○rea] T○ the c0vid-nineteen infecti0n○f the student, a daily an average ○f Three HundredF0rty-nine Zer0 p○int Six pe0ple "rec○rd high" /s.wowkorea.jp/news/read/321589/ In Germany Covid-Nineteen new infectionin the most. :news.nifty.com/article/world/worldall/12198-1319438/ Object, FBI person-shaped in the UnitedStates Los Angeles sky as for the investigation "balloon" t.bbc.com/japanese/59172695
Injured by being shot by multiple people on the New York subway. [New York Joint] According to the Associated Press, several people were shot at a subway station in Brooklyn, southern New York City on the twelfth. There seems to be some injured, and there is information that there was an explosive.
:○riday.kodansha.c0.jp/article/236947 "Shonentai" Katsuhide Uekusa is a shocking "love hotel affair" with the spear hand beauty president! Drive yourself and go out It's still chilly February fourteenth Valentine's Day night. From a love hotel in the suburbs of Chiba City, a standing man came out with a down coat, a black cap, and a black mask. It is Katsuhide Uekusa (fifty-five) of "Shonentai". The planting came out at a love hotel in a reasonable price range, starting from the three thousand yen level with a two-hour break. When I walked to my minivan parked in the parking lot, I removed the blindfold board that was leaning against the license plate.
【international】cows stray on the main road and mo~ very hard california LOS ANGELES, Calif., March eleven - A cow straying into a highway blocked the passage of a vehicle on March nine, causing a stir for drivers and police to attempt to capture the vehicle. According to cbs-affiliated local broadcasters, police officers on motorbikes drove them to a nearby farm and the cows were captured by farm workers. The video is from the :.afpbb.c0m/articles/-/3394531?cx_part=top_latest
[United States of America] The Christmasdirect hit distribution crisis future? /news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_international/articles/000234632.html Fight rice that "stealthing" taking offa condom without an agreement is illegal and aims at. :.afpbb.com/articles/-/3374058?act=all As f○r the urea water sh0rtage ○f g00dspr0blem ○f K○rea, the c0ncern ○f the pr0l○ngati○n. /.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2021/11/09/2021110980020.html The circumstances that a real worker isinsufficient for hourly wage Two Thousand yen in ... United States ofAmerica. /3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20211110/k10013340341000.html What is the national staple cornflakes crisis ofthe American? t.tv-tokyo.co.jp/plus/business/entry/2021/024841.html The American Psychological Association survey thatone of three people of the American feels difficulty for daily decision for the stress of theCovid-Nineteen evil. :dime.jp/genre/1257762/
North Dakota, United States of America, the possibility of one of the largest blizzard power outages in the last twenty-five years.North Dakota Road with Blizzard GLOBAL STORMS NEWS / YouTubeNorth Dakota, United States of America, became a whiteout blizzard on the twelfth, lasting until the fourteenth, according to meteorological officials, and could be one of the largest in the quarter century.All flights of the day were canceled at Bismarck Airport. The state building was closed at zero-thirty pm local time and residents were urged not to leave the road due to dangerous circumstances.Two feet of snow is expected in most of the state. In northern cities, it can fall to thirty inches by the fourteenth.
[Daily] Fuji Watanabe Nagisa Anna K○rean f0lk c0stume Chima je0g0ri smiles "cute" "l00ks g00d" Ann0uncer Nagisa Watanabe ○f Fuji TV updated Instagram 0n the tenth. She sh0wed 0ff her K○rean f0lk c0stume, Chima je0g0ri. Anna Watanabe is challenging the w0rld's f0lk cuisine ○n the Y0uTube channel "W0rldBuzzC00king" by the internati0nal stati0n ○f Fuji TV and the embassies ○f each country. She sh0wed her smile in yell0w and pink chima je0gori and said, "I'm c00king K○rean f00d in March! This time I w0re a f0lk c0stume, chima je0g0ri! I t00k a picture as if I was traveling t○ K○rea. I did. " She was well received by her f0ll0wers, saying, "It's cute," "It l00ks g00d ○n Chima je0g0ri," "It one hundred ks g00d ○n y0u," and "It's cute. Have y0u ever been t○ K○rea? Daily
Obligation to wear a United States public transport mask One month extension Recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The obligation to wear a mask on public transportation, which has been implemented as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus in the United States, has been extended for one month.The United States Transport Security Authority received a statement from the CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, extending the obligation to wear masks on public transportation such as trains, buses and aircraft, and at stations and airports for one month until April Eighteen.
A cheese company largest in fall …United States by a cyber attack theprice of cheese to the target. :.businessinsider.jp/post-246157 Inflation to steal up United Statesstocks is understaffed with a weird shortage of goods. p/weekly-economist.mainichi.jp/articles/20211121/se1/00m/020/003000d "Grief" is octopus pot cardiomyopathy,the U.S. findings that it is female oriented, and increase continues of thefactor. :forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/44523 Teacher ... Thirty-Rwo years old womanwhom "I seemed to get restless, but a feelingdid not have bad" takes on alcohol and runs. /.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20211122-OYT1T50209/ Sanitary products oblige the publicrestroomUnited States Middle West City "right inthe health care" :nordot.app/835745703662878720 Alcohol is tinged with teacher juniorhigh school woman during a Covid-Nineteen self-restraintperiod in suspension from duty June, and is driving;disclosure Gunma Board of Education. p.jomo-news.co.jp/news/gunma/society/342204
<Covid-nineteen> Seven hundred eighty-eight people infected and one dead in two days in Gunma prefecture four outbreaks including medical institutions in Isezaki city.Gunma Prefecture, Maebashi, and Takasaki City announced on the fourth that they have confirmed that two hundred seventy-eight people have been newly infected with the new coronavirus. On the thirteenth, a total of five hundred ten people were confirmed to be infected, and it was announced that a woman in her seventies in Takasaki City had died.
:japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285101?servcode=400§code=400 I have a baby b0rn dead after the p0sitivec○nfirmati0n ○f fetal l0ss ... pregnant w○man by new C0vid-Nineteen infecti0nin K○rea. /.cnn.co.jp/world/35179902.html The sidewalk is cave-in, Thirty-Three peopleinjury Brazil. p.cnn.co.jp/world/35179900.html At least Thirty-Five heavy rains die in thesouthern part of India. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35179894.html It is arrest United States Colorado for theattempted murder charge in a shooting incident, the Fifteen years old boys of six injuries in apark. /.cnn.co.jp/world/35179879.html Forty-Five people death Bulgaria which includesbus destruction by fire, child Twelve. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35179849.html A child is Wisconsin, United States for sixdeath dead people,injured person Sixty-Two by the car plunge ofthe parade.
SmartFLASH Anchorwoman SBC Sinetu Broadcasting, beautiful woman was a good-looking hole and "immorality disturbance" 23 years younger, and W left the news program! In knee, Nagano of Zenko-ji, there was the man and woman who attracted attention of "the people of the circumference". The age difference is because two people are local celebrities in spite of being leaving. As for the man, announcer Atsuki Kobayashi (25), a woman are Mishima sheath or hole (48). It is an announcer of SBC Sinetu Broadcasting together.
  :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180056.htmlIt is abandonment United States Alabama with several hundred undelivered baggage in discovery, the valley. /.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180052.htmlIt is arrest United States Miami Airport in stowing away or men behind the wheel storage part of the passenger plane. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180051.htmlIt is outbreak United States Minnesota in robbery groupin the household appliances general merchandising store, two continuations. /toyokeizai.net/articles/-/471980The reason why United States stocks resist a Covid-Nineteen mutant risk. :.j-cast.com/2021/11/29425901.html?p=all"Is it true that I did it with a Certain YouTuber?"   JOMO NEWS.[breaking news] Fall down, and one death, one people are unconscious the dismantling on the site a concrete block wall; conveyance Gunma, Ikaho Onsen.     
 /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285259?servcode=400§code=400 Three Th○usand Thirty-Tw0 rec0rd high ... new infected pe○ple that it is Six Hundred Sixty-0ne K○rean C0vid-Nineteen seri0us case pe○ple,tw0 days since then. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285252?servcode=A00§code=A00 The American baby who was born by the weight of Five Hundred grams.  /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285247?servcode=A00§code=A00 The Italy's first omicron infected person, wife and child are positive, too.  :.cnn.co.jp/business/35180170.html Remark pessimistic CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER "omicron stock" circulation stock prices fall MODELNA. FNN PRIME ONLINE. I know it and am prohibited from the entry of the American shock foreigner resident in Japan in sudden regulation ... New York Airport.  FNN PRIME ONLINE. Do not go to the cash register in convenience store thief why it is the United States a product in sequence.           
  Gunma covid-nineteen six hundred five people infection. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen five hundred sixty-two peopleconfirmed to be infected. Covid-nineteen two hundred forty-seven infection of Gunma. Gunma covid-nineteen four hundred thirty-three people confirmed infection. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen Newly confirmed five hundred seven infections. Covid-nineteen Infected four hundred sixty-three people in the prefecture, confirmed one death.Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen Newly confirmed five hundred thirty-one infections. Gunma covid-nineteen five hundred forty-one people confirmed infection.Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen one dead five hundred seventy-one confirmed infection. Gunma new covid-nineteen two hundred eighteenpeople confirmed infection. Gunma three hundred forty-nine peopleinfection. Gunma Prefecture Covid-nineteen First dead confirmedfive hundred fourteen new infections.
p0stseven.D工TA1L Neighbor troubles that anyone can cause Ken Watabe responds crisply to residents due to water leaks. The main character, Next Door (Jun Matsumoto), is talking about the drama "Next Door" (TV Asahi), which solves the worries and troubles of the residents of the new apartment. Like the drama, everyone can get into a variety of neighbor troubles. You may be the victim or you may be the perpetrator. And the same can be said for celebrities. In fact, there are many entertainers who have been reported to have trouble with their neighbors.Osamu Shitara, borderline trouble at the mansion.
I restrict the body of suspect parents in high school shooting, Detroit of Michigan, United States. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180390.html I announce the blizzard warning that is rare in Hawaii and am lacking in snow in the state of the United States mainland. t.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180389.html New infection is about Four times, violence suggestion South Africa of the omicron stock in four days. /.cnn.co.jp/world/35180387.html Smoke is caused a snake to get rid; home total destruction, United States Maryland. p.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180381.html Covid-Nineteen reinfection, the omicron stock are high risks than othermutants or study South Africa. :.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35180379.html Mother taken a child by a leopard, oneself follow-up rescue India. /.cnn.co.jp/world/35180380.html
J0M0 NエW$ House fire in Kiryu.Around seven-forty pm on the twenty-eighth, a woman (eighty-nine) in Aioi-cho, Kiryu City was on fire, and her eldest son (fofty-six), who lives with her, called one hundred nineteen. One wooden one-story house was burnt down, and a part of the wooden one-story house adjacent to the north side and the wooden two-story house on the west side were burned. The eldest son inhaled smoke and was taken to the hospital. The woman was not injured. According to the Kiryu office, the woman lives with her eldest son. The two of us noticed a burning smell during the meal and a fire broke out in the woman's room.
jp.reuters.c0m/article/health-c0r0navirus-canada-measures-idJPKCN2LR2HZ[Canada] Faced with a new wave of covid-nineteeh infection The factor was that the authorities relaxed restraint measures. [Toronto thirieth Reuters] -Most parts of Canada are facing a new wave of coronavirus infection.
A$AH1 01G1TAL. Sixty percent of Americans are infected, more than seventy percent of children United States authorities data.infected with the new coronavirus at least once on the twenty-sixth at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Announced data that there is. Approximately two to three times the number of infected people actually reported is already infected. According to a report compiled by CDC researchers, from September last year to February this year, blood of around Seventy-four thousand people month to prevent bias in the United States. And confirmed the presence or absence of antibodies produced when infected.
Frame discovery, the United Kingdom where a nail stuck in to punishment of the pasting or a heel of the ancient Roman age. /.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35180679.html New Zealand, next-generation smoking by a law to prohibition. p.cnn.co.jp/world/35180676.html Of the next is pandemic, and there is no preparation, and the world infectious disease prophylaxis does not touch a standard mark. :.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35180638.htmlThe Covid-Nineteen influence more than the "excess death number" average year until July. 3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20211023/amp/k10013318181000.html The reas0n why case fatality rate in K○rea, British fur times ... "in0culati0n rate Eighty Percent" failed f○r K preventi0n ○f epidemics. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285589 t.insider.com/men-who-vape-higher-risk-erectile- dysfunction-than-non-vapers-2021-11 :.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(21)00429-3/fulltext#%20
$P0N1℃エ1. NHK Mayuko Wakuda Anna is pregnant with her first child This summer, "News Watch nine" will be happy.Mayuko Wakuda, a thirty-three-year-old announcer who is popular as an "Ace of NHK," was found to be pregnant with her first child on the thirty-first. She is now in a stable period and her childbirth is due this summer, according to officials. She has already reported congratulations to the people involved in the work, including the station. A person concerned said, "I'm telling the people who took care of me that I'm going to be a mom with a happy expression."
$P0N1℃N1 ANNエ× Yukari Oshima Anna "There is also a messed up synchronization, " Bukkomi asked the co-star, "If you google, it will come out." Former Fuji TV freelance announcer Yukari Oshima (thirty-eight) will appear on ABEMA "seven point two New Another Window" (p.m. three o'clock) on the third. As she talks about episodes of the station Announcer era, she reveals that "there's definitely a bad sync," she excited her studio. She joined Fuji TV in two thousand seven. Her synchronization is with Yoko Ikuno, who is nicknamed "Showpan".
J1J1.C0M. [Long-lasting sensory abnormalities] Beware of covid-nineteen infections and sequelae ... Seek early for treatment.Vaccination and therapeutic drugs will continue to "defend" against new coronavirus infections.What is overlooked is that some patients suffer from after-effects such as abnormal smell and taste, and skin disorders including hair loss even after the acute symptoms have subsided.Above all, it is said that the sense of smell tends to last for a long time. Even if the covid-nineteen infection itself is mild, we cannot be relieved."About sixty patients visited my clinic because of the aftereffects of the covid-nineteen.
J0M0 NエW$ A man on a bicycle was hit by a car and was seriously injured GUNMA Ota.At around seven-fifty pm on the first, a passenger car driven by a male office worker (forty-four) in Tamamura-cho collided with a bicycle at a convenience store parking lot in Takahayashikita-cho, Ota City. A fifty-one-year-old man in the city who was riding a bicycle was seriously injured by breaking his head. According to the Ota police station, the accident occurred when a passenger car was about to leave the parking lot. The office is investigating the detailed cause.
Worst tornado, dead person One Hundred are over a meter in the past Ten years, or the governor shakes a voice. :.asahi.com/articles/ASPDD2CGKPDDUHBI001.html [Covid-Nineteen] There is no omicron stock dead person in infected person increase, European Union in the United States. p.bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/2021-12-12/R3ZFESDWRGG001 It is the damage field latest picture in heap of debris which"I am upset, and tears do not perch on", wreckage ... United States tornado six states of the car. :.fnn.jp/articles/-/283985 Six people die in about Forty people rescue ... Amazon warehouse from the United States tornado, the collapse factory where One Hundred Ten people were. t.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20211212-OYT1T50102/ It is the m0st f○r K○rea, new infecti0n Six Th○usand six hundred eighty-nine pe0ple ... seri○us case eight Hundred Ninety-F0ur again. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285599?servcode=400§code=400 Increase by a grizzly; Montana of the protection to a cancellation request as for the hunting resumption, United States. :.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35180754.html
Gunma Prefecture cpvod-nineteen one dead three hundred sixty-two confirmed infection. Covid-nineteen Infected four hundred forty-six new people in Gunma prefecture. Gunma covid-noneteen five hundred nine people confirmed infection.Covid-nineteen two hundred thirty-six people infection new in Gunma. Gunma covid-nineteen four hundred thirty-three people infection. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen Newly five hundred one people infected confirmed. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen Newly confirmed two hundred ninety infections. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen New two hundred seventy-eight people confirmed to be infected. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen three hundred five new infections confirmed. Gunma covid-nineteen four hundred forty-four people confirmed infection. Gunma covid-nineteen one death two hundred four people infection. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen three hundred five new infections confirmed. Gunma Prefecture covid-nineteen one hundred ninety-six people confirmed to be infected. Four hundred seventy-three people are infected newly in covid-nineteen Gunma. Gunma Prefecture Covid-nineteen one dead four hundred eighty-eight confirmed infection. Gunma new covid-nineteen two hundred eighteen people confirmed infection. Gunma three hundred forty-nine people infection. Gunma Prefecture Covid-nineteen First dead confirmed five hundred fourteen new infections. Covid-nineteen Infected four hundred seventy-eight people in Gunma prefecture, killed first person.
A search continues in more than one hundred tornado damage expansion dead people or Southern United States. :.fnn.jp/articles/-/284167 The United Kingdom , the omicron stock infected person death. /.jiji.com/sp/article?k=2021121301058& From a vaccination start to one year dead person Eight Hundred Thousand, the infection is Fifty million super meters. p.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180824.html Outbreak Seventy-Two hours, a strenuous search follows Eighty-Eight dead people of the United States tornado. :.iza.ne.jp/article/20211214-QPW7GMF5UVJO5PLFB4KMDARIZM/ American elderly person, One of One Hundred people become dead by Covid-Nineteen. t.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180795.html Without the enforcement Supreme Court prohibiting United States Texas, the abortion prohibitive law after pregnancy six weeks. /.bbc.com/japanese/58418000
$ANK工1 ℃0M. The maximum number of people infected with covid-nineteen is nine thousand eight hundred seventy-five.Chinese health officials announced on the second that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus, which was newly confirmed in mainland China the day before, was nine thousand eight hundred seventy-five, excluding quarantine at airports.The number of asymptomatic infected people was also the highest since the end of March two thousand twenty, which was announced.We confirmed six thousand three hundred eleven people in Shanghai, where lockdowns continue. In addition, the infection has spread over a wide area such as Jilin Province in the northeast and Fujian Province in the south.
I confirm an omicron stock infected person for the first time in China. p/japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285652?servcode=A00§code=A00 It is analyzed 0ne hundred twenty-three ○micr0n infected pe0ple ○f ... K○rea until the additi0nal spread ○n third f○r f0ur days in the incubati0n period. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285653?servcode=400§code=400 It is reduced three th0usand beds by K○rea, the back ○f the pers0n with seri0us case bed lack. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285660?servcode=400§code=400 It is the police officer three death, the Eleven people injury Kashmir district India side by armed attack. t.cnn.co.jp/world/35180844.html Car racing or a university student is hit on a street; death United States Los Angeles. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180831.html United States air force, Twenty-Seven of the vaccination refusal for discharge from military service disposal.p.cnn.co.jp/usa/35180821.html
In number of marriage and birth rate, Twenty years of the Seoul citizen as for reduction by half … tendency to marry later. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285763?servcode=400§code=400 A little less than Eighty Thousand… "omicron stock Sixty percent in London" most the United Kingdom , a new infected person. t:japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285760?servcode=A00§code=A00 Warning "Twenty Th0usand p0ssibility as f○r new ten th0usand infecti0n, next m0nth ○f this month" ○f the Manager ○f disease management agency in K○rea. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285754?servcode=400§code=400 I update the each generati0n m0st in nine hundred eighty-nine K○rean Covid-Nineteen new infected pers0n Seven Th0usand Six Hundred Twenty-Tw○ people ... dangerously ill patients again. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285743?servcode=400§code=400 [editorial] 0ne ○r = K○rea which is c0nfused by the C0vid-Nineteen dead series why. p/japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285738?servcode=100§code=110 First heavy rain ... Siberia in one hundred years burnt with the first intense heat in one hundred fifty years, and Europe was submerged. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285735?servcode=A00§code=A00
$α目π1. As for the case appealing for Haruma Miura, Sei Ashina, Yuko Takeuchi, Sayaka Kanda, Hiroyuki Watanabe, disorder of the Ryuhei Ueshima ... sudden death feeling of the entertainer occurring successively. As for the case appealing for Haruma Miura, Sei Ashina, Yuko Takeuchi, Sayaka Kanda, Hiroyuki Watanabe, disorder of the Ryuhei Ueshima … sudden death feeling of the entertainer occurring successively.
8エ98 607. [Covid-nineteen] National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Airborne infection" is clearly stated, and ripple experts point out that "there is a possibility of misleading infection control measures" National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Airborne infection" was specified and ripple experts pointed out that "it is possible that infection control was misleading." , The fact that there is an "aerosol infection" (airborne infection) is causing ripples. So far, the Institute of Infectious Diseases has explained "droplet infection" and "contact infection" as the main infection routes, and has taken measures based on this recognition at restaurants and the like.
The United States airport user, the end of last week more than
Two million people near Two times of the last year.
A state member of the Diet of the covid-nineteen regulation criticism is
the infection United States in death, El Salvador of the accommodation.
In the infection spread Netherlands of the Covid-Nineteen,
a city blockade, a British capital declare "a serious matter state" in Europe.
Philippines, dead person increase
Three Hundred Thirty Thousand of the superty phoon are refuge. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35181097.html Two United States members of the Upper House are a corona-positive, and a breakthrough infects one people. p.cnn.co.jp/world/35181092.html Air playground equipment fall accident that happened, child two of six who died are still in serious condition in an Australian elementary school.
/japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285879?servcode=400§code=400 K○rean C0vid-Nineteen new infecti0n FiveTh0usand Tw0 hundred Tw0 ... danger0usly ill patient is c0nsecutive f○urdays; in fr0nt and behind 0ne th0usand lay figures. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285878?servcode=A00§code=A00 United States, Seventy-Threepercent of new infected people are omicron stock … Nineteen days; in arule class. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285877?servcode=A00§code=A00 The Washington D.C. declaration of a state ofemergency that I remove five states, and an omicron stock spreads through in thewhole land of America. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/285864?servcode=400§code=400 "Very high" ... "the medical care vs. limitsstress" c0nsecutive f○r K○rea,c0vid-Nineteen degree ○f risk f0urweeks. p.cnn.co.jp/world/35181190.html The village standing alone to Three Hundred Seventy-Five dead people of the typhoon is thePhilippines. :.cnn.co.jp/world/35181187.html A rapid increase, Prime Minister of Morrison arenegation Australia by lock down a covid-nineteen infected person.
℃歩歩. ℃0. √6.Philadelphia to revive indoor mask obligations for the first time in major United States cities.Health officials in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, eastern United States announced on the eleventh that they will be required to wear masks indoors again from the eighteenth.This is the first time that the wearing obligation has been restored in major cities since the number of people infected with the new coronavirus began to decline in January this year in the United States.At a press conference, a city health official said to stores and offices in the city, "I want you to dig up the old sign that asks you to wear a mask today and put it on the window."The average number of newly infected people in the city is one hundred forty-two per day. As of the eleventh, it is more than one point five times that of ten days ago.
K○rea, C0vid-Nineteen seri0us case pers0n ○ne Th0usand Seventy-Eight , ○ne week f0ur c0lumns ... new infecti0n F0ur Th0usand Seven. /japanese.joins.com/JArticle/286056?servcode=400§code=400 It is an infected pers0n in ○ne Hundred f0urteen c0nfirmati0n, Sixteen city streets ○n the 0micr0n st0ck infected pers0n weekend in K○rea. :japanese.joins.com/JArticle/286044?servcode=400§code=400 ○f "maximum being examined "fear" t○ surpass nuisance" ... C0vid-Nineteen = K○rea which spread. t/japanese.joins.com/JArticle/286043?servcode=400§code=400 A Three years old child shoots a gun by mistake towards oneself, is conveyance rice to a hospital. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35181412.html The flood damage Eighteen people death, tens of thousands of refuge one thousand a road are buried in water in Brazil. p.cnn.co.jp/world/35181422.html I am confused for Cruise ship navigation again, and I am concerned by call at a port and leaving a ship refusal omicron stock infection spread to occur successively. :.cnn.co.jp/travel/35181415.html
Ω7エα√1. Investigating changes in the brain of covid-nineteen-infected hamsters, which may affect cognitive function and memory. The University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo) and Kyorin University analyzed the olfactory epithelium and brain tissue of Syrian golden hamsters after infection with the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-two) . Announced that it revealed morphological changes in olfactory cells and synapses. The results were achieved by Megumi Kishimoto Research Associate and Urata of the University of Tokyo Hospital Otorhinolaryngology. Dr. Shinji , Kenji Kondo, Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo This is an international collaborative research team consisting of Professor Tatsuya Yamatomi, and Associate Professor Sanae Ishii of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tokyo Hospital .
p.cnn.co.jp/world/35181756.html It is China for hospitalization refusal, the miscarriage of the pregnant woman whom there is not as a result of examination for effective Covid-Nineteen. :.cnn.co.jp/business/35181740.html Travel restrictions, a close contact temporary to a Cruise ship more than Three Thousand people are embarkation Hong Kong. /.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35181727.html "The clear sign" which shows sharp increase abnormal weather for thunder occurrence, Two Thousand Twenty-One years at the North Pole. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35181716.html A domiciliary search, the entering address envelope in the garbage bag are the clue United States by the Amazon baggage large quantities abandonment. p.cnn.co.jp/usa/35181710.html Relative United States Texas of Floyd where a bullet, a Four years old girl were killed in a house by a seriously injured police officer. :.cnn.co.jp/usa/35181695.html The Thirteen people death to include terrace house fire, child seven in the eastern part of America.
A seventy-nine-year-old woman is deceived by one point five million yen in cash Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture. The Gunma Prefectural Police Kiryu Police Station announced on the seventeenth
that a seventy-nine-year-old woman in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture,
was deceived with one point five million yen in cash. The office is investigating as a fraud case.
According to the office, on the morning of the fifteenth,
a person disguised as a medical institution employee or son told a woman,
"My son has a polyp in his throat and is coming to the hospital."
There was a certificate of twenty million yen that had to be included.
" On the afternoon of the same day, the woman was deceived
by handing one point five million yen in cash to a person disguised as
the younger brother of her son's boss at her home.
√0Ω0 π工凸$. A seriously injured man died in a single accident Kiryu. On the eighteenth, a man (sixty-six) from the city of Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture, was seriously injured in a traffic accident at the intersection of the Oma-Kiryu Line in Miyamae-cho, Gunma Prefecture. Announced that he died at the hospital where he was housed in the afternoon of the same day.
A passenger car collides with a light car, and three parents and children, including elementary school students, are seriously injured. Around eight-thirty am on the eighteenth, at the crossroads of Kasakakechoshika,
Midori City, Gunma Prefecture, a passenger car of a part-time woman (seventy-one)
in Kiryu City came from the right,
and a childcare worker woman (thirty-five) in Midori City was light.
Collided with a passenger car. A nursery woman suffered a serious injury
that broke her left knee, her daughter (eight), who was on board her, broke her pelvis,
and her son (third) suffered minor facial injuries. I owed. The part-time woman was not injured.
According to the Kiryu office, there was a stop sign on the female side of the part-time job.
The station is investigating the cause of the accident in detail.