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Let's talk with Jim-san. Part34 [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com ->画像>8枚
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Jim-san cap handles;
xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★
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Let's talk with Jim-san. Part33 [転載禁止]©bbspink.com
ピンクちゃんねるCTO、Code Monkeyさんとお話ししたい方はこちらのスレで
Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/ 新板を作るつもりみたい?
245 :<font color=#8B008B>Grape Ape ★</font> (★ **b8-StpO) :2016/02/17(水) 20:45:35.07 ID:CAP_USER*
画像>8枚 ' border=no />
http://fox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/Poverty/1455611442/245 >>4
そこに出てる中からいいと思ったのをここで英語で挙げてくのはどうか 必死チェッカーみたいなもので
ワッチョイをチェック出来るアプリありませんかー? jimさん
どうにかして下さい >>6
元気?? Gjejdjfj
これからもVIPで楽しむためにお願い致します・・・ アフィカスってみんな同じ事を言うよね
そして顔を真っ赤にしてレスしてくる Translation.
Could you please abandon the default sage feature at the VIP board, as well as the sako feature?
These features make comments there dispersed and are preventing worthy threads from growing.
We have tried to ask at various places but have received no good answer so far.
We hope you grant our wish so that we can continue enjoying our time there. Translation.
The most notorious troll in the 2ch community named k5 has been cousing us lots of trouble and there is nothing we can do about it.
Could you please help us? I am a resident of poverty. Residents are in trouble. By management's tyranny. This remains a very painful. Please to talk with us to come to this thread. Nice to meet you.
【緊急】スレ立てBe緊急集合!MangoのVIP931システムのせいでまともにスレを立てられない [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [781232929]
http://fox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1458475750/ My name is Toshiaki.I am President of the Love Live! board.
These threads are closed in three minutes . It is wrong to think population of the Love Live! board .
You must be changing the 20 res to 5 res.
http://karma.2ch.net/lovelive/ no change love live board . It seems that Fox-san had been denied from touching 2ch/pink servers
since middle of this month (his password stopped working, he said).
Did you fired him? 地下アイドル板の浪人持ちがスレ埋め荒らしをしてるんだけど(´・ω・`) jane styleから
最近、頻繁にサーバ負荷軽減の為○○秒お待ちくださいって出るんだけど何が悪いの? /
見比べてみてもあまり換わらないような気がするのです Hello. Jim-san.
qa board. http://hanabi.2ch.net/qa/SETTING.TXT
BE_TYPE2 disappeared in 11/18/2015.
Please return BBS_BE_TYPE2=checked.
Thread after Disappearance
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1295736433/72-93 A plan for the problem of troll.
A new IP address doesn't permit to write in 2ch in a first accessed day.
It can write the next day.
When a thread of 2ch is made,
the person who make the thread set the number of comments able to be written by one person in one day. I'm sorry, I made mistakes in writing I'm sorry, I made mistakes in writing.
I make a revision.
A plan for the problem of troll.
A new IP address isn't permitted to write in 2ch in a first accessed day.
It can write the next day.
When a thread of 2ch is made,
the person who makes the thread set the number of comments able to be written by one person in one day. >>33
And a board of 2ch has the number of comments that are able to be written by one person in one day in the board. Hello.jim-san.
We are in trouble because here annoying person is present .
because I want to use this BBS I want to borrow your power .
We hope the introduction of slip.
Used recycling
http://hayabusa6.2ch.net/used/ >>33
(wrong) It can write the next day.
(right) It can write one month later. こんにちはJIM
ドメイン名は、JIM chでも9chでもコードモンキーでもJIMのペットの名前でも良いです
素早い対応を希望します Dear Jim-san
We are 801板(http://nasu.bbspink.com/801/)
We hope the introduction of BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2
1、The board URL
2、Discussion thread
3、Reason for change
Troll continue to write the induction URL to the illegal sites.
In addition, such as information exchange and discussion is hindered.
4、Changes we wish
板設定新規(board of new setting)
We would be very happy if you could accept our hope.
Thank you. Japanese people must show polite face in public.
Japanese people can show their true colors only in 2ch.
If they do without anonymity,they come to a bad end.
This is the only reason for 2ch's existence. >>40
但し、荒らし被害が多い事を深く受け止めているので運営側で重点監視対象板とします。 I'm grateful that the US gave Japan democracy.
And I'm grateful to Jim-san for his efforts to maintain the democracy working properly
by giving a place to speak freely without worries. >>43
違法URLを貼り続けるなどスルーでは許されない行為も多く、申請に至ったことを御理解ください Personal information including IP addresses is leaking out of websites, for example Internet stores.
Files on Personal information are traded at a high price in Japan. Hello webmasters,
荒らしの例 ↓
よろしく Activists are a few, but make a decision by their debate.
Most people believe in slick talkers, but don't think by themselves about it.
Most people aren't aware of the real consequence of the decision until it happens.
Most people think and act when it happens. 運営が仕事しない理由を説明してくれ?
Could you tell us why management staffs donot theie jobs for these three manths? Please don't trust a voting with fusianasan revealing IP addresses.
Almost people don't vote, because they are afraid of revealing their IP addresses.
A few people who do not care about revealing IP addresses win the vote. 2ch is transferred to the 5ch.
Is this true? Hi! Jim-san.
Please introduction watchoi “大人の同性愛”.
Because, they were written political-talk by ‘arashi’. Hello Jim-san.
It is proposed.
We want a new board.
(Board name) 欅坂46 keyakizaka46
(Reason) It is a popular idol in Japan.
Thread of keyakizaka46 are many.
(Folder) keyakizaka
(Category) アイドル
Discussion thread
http://echo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/nogizaka/1458107670/ folder name "keyakizaka" is too long >>53 >>54
Proposal of the folder name "keyakizaka" or "keyaki" or "kyk" I am keyakizaka46 board user.
Thank you very much. Jim-san. ちょいMr.Jim-sanに新設板(隔離板とも言う)の頼み事でもしようかな
Hi Jim-san.Please read this(↓) res. ok?
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1465456688/17-19/ It is demand.
Please create a new board.
【板名】(Board name) Cosplayer コスプレイヤー
【理由】(Reason) The 2ch, there is CosplayBBS. http://tamae.2ch.net/cosp/
CosplayBBS is not a BBS dealing with cosplayers person.
We want BBS dealing with the topic of cosplayers person.
Famous cosplayers are many. It is just as popular as the idol.
SNS of cosplayers is popular in Japan. http://www.cosp.jp/
【フォルダ】(Folder) cosplayer
【カテゴリ】(Category) 漫画・小説等 ENGLISH板のBBS_USE_VIPQ2は現在0であるようですが
BBS_USE_VIPQ2 of ENGLISH board should not be 0 but 2. >>64
Thank you for your reply.
BBSPINK is a BBS for adult males.
erocospBBS the content is erotic.
We want CosplayerBBS for all ages.
Cosplayers fan. Women and high school students are many. >>64
Hello Mr.Jim-San
Prease read at >>60
Thank You. >Jim AKA Grape Ape
Dear Sir,
May I ask you a favor?
About adding boards to other categories. http://mercury.bbspink.com/ascii2d/
Please change BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2 to BBS_USE_VIPQ2=0
When it's being left without changing it, there isn't a resident any more. Please
It's already the limit of the endurance. http://mercury.bbspink.com/ascii2d/
BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2-> Please change it to BBS_USE_VIPQ2=0.
A resident keeps decreasing by a cause of wasting with SLIP.
Please abolish.
It's the limit of the endurance by and by. 荒らしがひどいなら
いいでしょうな Wild TROLL appeared!
TROLL used "Please delete SLIP!!"
It's super effective!! Dear Jim-san.
I am a anime board user.
We need two board. Please create.
(Board name) "Webアニメ・OVA" Original net animation
(Reason) This is the "Original net animation" in English.
The Japanese have been called webanime.
webanime In animeBBS is a non-subject.
We are want BBS of webanime.
(Folder) webanime
(Category) 漫画・小説等 anime category
(Board name) "Web漫画・Web小説" Webcomic & Webnovel
(Reason) webcomic webnovel is very popular in Japan.
Companies doing service there are more than 50 companies in Japan.
(Folder) webcomicnovel
(Category) 漫画・小説等 anime category Dear Jim-san.
I'm a user of Cinema Board.(http://mint.2ch.net/cinema/)
We discussed on implementation of Wacchoi(BBS_USE_VIPQ2=2).
By a vote of 66-1, Wacchoi got suport from many people.
We hope you consider it and you make this board more peaceful.
Thank you.
discussion thread
voting thread http://tamae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1469232804/
Post No.159 shows voting result.
cinema board
http://mint.2ch.net/cinema/ Supplement.
bookallBBS http://echo.2ch.net/bookall/ "文芸書籍サロン"
It is a literary salon in Japanese.
The subject of this BBS is literary.
Comics, manga is not a target.
BBS that we are in need,
It is WebComicsNovelBBS and WebAnimeBBS. 作ってくれるか
Please create. It is the anime category.
/webcomicnovel/ Please check the thread.
The thread is petition.
This thread has been created by drunker.
But one does not have checked.
こんな板欲しい 【申請所(正式)】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
http://carpenter.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operatex/1455610886/ Please separete professional threads, because you are too naiive to operrate them.
Thank you, yours Japanease. Jimさんは夏休みなので一人にしてあげてくださいw
667 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2016/09/08(木) 13:43:45.37 ID:L38HLlVg0 [1/2]
Jim is taking a rest now.
Let's leave him alone.
https://twitter.com/xerxeswatkins/status/773134632850108416 Hi Jim-san,
We have come here to let you know about the situation the hikky board is currently in.
The hikky board has been under severe attack for more than 2 years and the intensity of the attack has increased significantly since early this month.
The total number of posts per day there had been around 1200 on average until early this month, including posts by the trolls, but it's now more than 5000 per day.
It translates that more than 80% of the posts there are made by the trolls and more than 90% of the threads there are created by the trolls.
They seem to be using bots to post auto-generated messages there.
The trolls are being seen conducting similar distructive activities at different boards, such as the book board, mental health board and news related boards, in 2ch as well.
Their persistent distructive activities severely damaged such boards, especially the hikky boards, leaving residents there leave 2ch itself.
We decided to let kyou know the situation, here at your thread, because their attack is massive, very persistent (for more than 2 years) and across boards.
We hope you take some measures to brings those boards back to normal.
The attached file is the screenshot of the latest 25 boards created at the hikky baord.
Among the threads, only one thread, shown in a green box, was created by residents there and the rest 24 threads, shown in orange boxes, were created by trolls.
The trolls use bots to make their garbage threads afloat, by posting auto-generated messages in the threads, in order to destroy the functions of the board.
画像>8枚 ' border=no /> I'm >>98
Out of the top 110 threads in the hikky board, only 3 threads were created by residents there (showin in the pictures below, with green boxes), one thread is a commercial thread by 2ch and the rest 106 threads were created by trolls.
Threads No. 1 - 55
画像>8枚 ' border=no />
Threads No. 56 - 110
画像>8枚 ' border=no />
The attackers are using bot programs to make their meaningless threads afloat and to prevent the board from working.
They are also mounting similar attacks on other boards in 2ch. >>98
Follow-up. I'm 98.
The troll says his ronin got burned.
Thank you, Jim-san!
http://hanabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hikky/1474515607/827,828,835-837 >>98
But, still, other trolls are posting auto-generated posts there by using bots. >>98
The troll has purchased another ronin and he has started creating garbage threads at the hikky board.
He says ronin is like a cheating tool in a video game with which you can destroy the game to your heart content.
The tool is sold at only 500 yen by the governing body and such games are destined to end their lives soon. >>102
No new garbage threads have been created, except one thread, since I wrote >>100.
Maybe the troll who is in charge of creating threads stopped his destructive activities following the ban of his ronin, and possibly he could create only one thread (the one thread) without ronin.
Other trolls are still posting auto-generated messages using bots, but the board regained some calmness as no new garbage threads have been created.
Thank you very much, Jim-san and other people, for the measures. Where is my melon points?
I want you to return it to me as soon as possible. Ronin is outo of oreder now.
Please recover. Was the specification changed? Hello, Jim-san. I am an akb BBS user.
We are in trouble.
akb BBS setting is lost.
Please correct.
BBS_USE_VIPQ2 is disabled.
It is inconvenient.
Error setting
Correct setting
User's voice thread
Please enable VIPQ2. Useful commands can not be used. The user is in trouble.
Command to reduce troll, can not be used.
SKE48 thread
IP display can be used yesterday.
Currently, IP display can not be used.
http://rosie.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1503679350/ Hello,Jim-san.
I want you to change configuration of future board. Let us feel comfortable and keep us stay in 2ch.
0.Here is setting file.
1. Board name and URL.
2. Thread where debated about changes.
未来技術板 自治スレッド
3. Reason
Counter measures for people who are abusing our threads.
4.Requested Changes
Thank you and I hope Jim-san concern this problem seriously. We're in trouble. >>119
Yes I saw that. I addressed it some time ago. He has already been beaten. This is just harassment action.
https://twitter.com/xerxeswatkins/status/914330353514532864 >>121
裁判の方も勝てそうですか? >>122
The users seem happy, so we already won. >>124
Hallo Jim!
I think ヨガピッグ is not lovely name! hahaha
It is not easy on the eyes.
Is there no other names? >>128
Good morning, it is used by people who don't like me. They think it makes me angry, but it
actually describes me well. I have a pig farm, and I am a yoga instructor. なるほどー、罵ってるつもりが的確な人物紹介になっていたということですかw >>127
The gangs all here. oh dear
∧ ,,∧ Hail, hail, the gang's all here
( ´∀`)∩ What the heck do we care
⊂l⌒⊂彡 What the heck do we care
(_) ) ☆ Hail, hail, the gang's all here
(((_)☆ What the heck do we care now! hahaha oh dear
∧ ,,∧ Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo
( ´∀`)∩ That's where you want to go to get away from it all
⊂l⌒⊂彡 Bodies in the sand, tropical drink melting in your hand
(_) ) ☆ Down in Kokomo
(((_)☆ Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama JIMsan!! Please let me celebrate your special day :-) Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jim
Happy Birthday to You
Λ_Λ ♪〜♪♪
( ・∀・) ♪ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( つ「 ̄ ̄] (__´∀`) ∇ < Happy Birthday!
( 「 ̄ | ( <y> ]つ \____
. |__iiiiiiiiiiiii |__|_|
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What a nice summer love song in southern country!
I will enjoy it this summer as well! :-) 誰もいない…
http://2chb.net/r/operate/1491493828/43-44 >>437
To Mr.Jim
This is a petition from all HANKAKU-NIJIGEN board users.
We request the removal of Ms.Kaoru, the remover of BBSPINK.
The reason is that arbitrary management is too noticeable.
She has no explanation to the users, She says she will consider removing the board itself.
This act is too derogatory to the users.
Thank you. >>145 is too large subject.
I will correct like this.
To Mr.Jim
This is a petition from a HANKAKU-NIJIGEN board user.
I request the removal of Ms.Kaoru, the remover of BBSPINK.
The reason is that arbitrary management is too noticeable.
She has no explanation to the users, She says she will consider removing the board itself.
This act is too derogatory to the users.
Thank you.
Opposition exercises are taking place in the following thread.
https://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1580259386/48 I correct some words.
To Mr.Jim
This is a petition from a HANKAKU-NIJIGEN board user.
I request the removal of Ms.Kaoru, the remover of BBSPINK.
The reason is that arbitrary management is too noticeable.
She has no explanation to the users, She says she will consider removing the board itself.
This act is too derogatory to the users.
Also, she has not interacted with the users about the deletion policy change.
Thank you.
Opposition campaign is taking place in the following thread.
https://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1580259386/48 This is new comments.
We request to fire Ms.Kaoru, the remover of BBSPINK.
The reason is that her dogmatic management is too noticeable.
She said she would consider removing HANKAKU Board, but there was no explanation why.
HANKAKU User is very tired of her actions.
Also, HANKAKU User heard that Ms.Kaoru said, "I don't want to discuss the removal anymore. If there is a complaint to me, erase BBSPINK whole including HANKAKU Board." Jimさんこんにちは。英語は無理なので日本語でお伝えさせていただきます。
Hi Jim. English is impossible, so I will tell you in Japanese.
Half-width two-dimensional plate
The person who deleted it, "Kaoru ★", has voluntarily deleted threads that do not violate the guidelines.
The guidelines do not state that anime or manga characters are included in child pornography.
Rape related threads have been removed, even though they do not violate the guidelines.
The selfish judgment of Kaoru ★, the deleter, is not very forgiving.
Please remove the rights as a deleter of "Kaoru ★". Jimさんに質問とお願いがあります。
Jim has a question and a request.
Until yesterday, the definition of child pornography in the BBSPINK guidelines was limited to live-action photography, but it was suddenly included in anime and manga.
Is it the intention of Jim to update these guidelines?
Or is it the arbitrariness of the deleter, Kaoru?
If Mr. Kaoru is dogmatic, would such a change be allowed without discussion?
If not, please remove Kaoru, the deleter. Jim is not interesting in 5channel. only AD-money. Hahaha! Hi Jim-san.
I'm a user of streaming-jikkyo in 5ch.
Nowadays we discuss emigration to megami-jikkyo in pink in order to avoid affiliate blogs and annoying response speed of the server.
However, we hesitate to emigrate because of the problem that megami-jikkyo doesn't support VIPQ2-commands(we want to use wacchoi).
Therefore could you change the level of VIPQ2 from 0 to 2, Jim-san?
Thank you.
このスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/erobbs/1455644326/
ヒント:5chスレのurlに http://xxxx.5chb.net/xxxx のようにbを入れるだけでここでスレ保存、閲覧できます。
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・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part32
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part16
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part27
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part17
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part13
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part12
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part29
・Let's talk with Jim-san. Part25
・Let's talk with Jim-san.★2
・Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.
・Let's talk with Jim-san. in HIHAN-YOBO
・Let's talk with Jim-san@operate
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★14
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★46
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・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★28
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★8
・Let's talk with Jim-san in forex BBS
・Let's talk with Jim-san, in debut ©bbspink.com
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★11
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・Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★18
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・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★44
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★7
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★45
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★33
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★23
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・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★34
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★22
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★39
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★10
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
・Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★41
・Let's talk with Hiroyuki-san in old operate. ★26
・Let's discuss Afikasu Issues with Jim-san in siberia
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・Lenovo YOGA Tablet with Windows Part.2
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