このスレへの固定リンク: http://5chb.net/r/erobbs/1383127192/
ヒント:5chスレのurlに http://xxxx.5chb.net/xxxx のようにbを入れるだけでここでスレ保存、閲覧できます。
* Automatic image display
* Bookmark threads
* Display new replies automatically
>>2 inJapanese
>* Automatic image display
I think that kinds of auto-loaded pictures should be selected by user.
A malicious link can be set in a JPG file. also, you can hide a unfavorable picture in a GIF file.
Someone may want it, someone might not need it. so i mean them as configurable by user.
How about we make a small button next to each image link? Users can decide whether or not to click the button. If they click the button, then the image will load in the page.
We can also have an option to automatically load all images. And an option to never load images.
I'm already using 2ch didicated browser now, which name is V2C.
It provides me to have favorite board/thread links, image display(manually).
Also, I know some variants like Jane family browsers.
I think that your problem is the "no dedicated browsers support Non-Japanese menu nor help," isn't it?
in other words, those browsers have only to be ready for Non-Japanese menus, I believe.
What is a "Non-Japanese menu"? Do you have an example?
I know V2C and Janestyle.
I only talked other way/approach from my point of view.
your idea for the own-built browser would be a valuable act in bbspink.
Code Monkey ★さん、ガッカリしないでください。
I hope to make a browser that everyone will enjoy using.
for example, V2C only have built-in Japanese menu. No other language can be selected.
btw, have you ever truied Crystal Disk Info? http://crystalmark.info/?lang=en
No description needed for CDM. Please download and try it.
That's my ideal software that adopts multiple languages.
If V2C and/or other dedicated browsers adopts language plug-in,
例えば、V2Cには日本語メニューが組み込まれているだけです。 他の言語は選択できません。
ところで、CrystalDiskInfoを使ったことはありますか? 説明は不用でしょう。
If V2C and/or other dedicated browsers (also your own built one) supports language plug-in,
people will try to adopt their messages from japanese to the other languages like english.
Then, you can also enjoy the ease of use through them as same as many japanese users.
(except the translation matter.)
sorry, it's too hard to integrate the translation engine between japanese and english in it,
but it's possible to adopt the external dictionary services via web browser. It exists here in V2C.
Okay I understand. I dont think English dedicated browser is important.
2ch and bbspink are Japanese websites with almost no English. Making a browser
with Japanese is most important. Making the ability to accept different
language plug-ins is a good idea though.
So far, I will add these features:
* Language plug-in support
* Optional image display in thread
* Bookmark threads
* Display new replies automatically
Is there anything else that you feel is necessary for a dedicated browser to have?
Why do you want to make a new dedicated browser now?
There are already lots of dedicated browsers such as Jane and V2C.
What is the purpose of making a new one?
Features you showed are already supported by most of the existed browsers.
>>15 に挙げてある機能はすでに多くのブラウザが実装しているし、
* past-logs management (kako-log, local file management)
someone might store past-logs as much as possible until the storage became disk-full,
someone only needs logs what the threads became dat-ochi within four months (maybe longer or shorter).
Every user would have one's own best period to keep it, i believe.
so, please being noticed for past-log storage size and/or their handling policy may vary for every user.
I want to make a cloud-based dedicated browser. Store all data on the cloud, then users wont need to worry about storage space. Their data will also be saved across many different computers. They wont be limited to just one computer or device.
著作権法違反にならないん? ですから あえて機能を制限してるんだが・
I will have permission to save the data. There shouldnt be any copyright complaints.
so i mean that you've only to announce officially as follows;
To all authors of 2ch-style bbs dedicated browsers:
Please prepare for multiple language adoptivity other than japanese.
we'll assist you to translate all japanese messages into english.
First, we need your own data format in Japanese description.
Then, we'll put it into english (and some other languages if available.)
well,, how rU going to handle the user-support?
と。 でも、サポートとかどうするのかな? 英語限定で開始して、あとは順次様子見?
I cant translate Japanese to English. I dont know how to speak Japanese.
If somebody else wants to translate Japanese to English, that is a good idea.
if you feel alone, you'll be alone.
I am alone.
I will be making a new API for this dedicated browser. The API probably will not be public though.
Sync2ch | 複数の2chブラウザ間で閲覧状況を同期するためのWEBサービスです
Oh really? /s
There is always room for more competition.
before the end of year 2013.
Q2: Does it run on a browser like IE, ff, Chrome, and so on? or, just an independent software on an OS?
Q3: which framework are you going to use? .Net? Java?
Q4: Is it a software only for windows-PC?
Which version of windows(web-browsers?) are you going to support? Vista and later? 7 and later? 8? 8.1?
No other platforms like linux/unix/droids/apple/macpads?
A1: I will release the list after I begin developing the browser. Maybe I can have the list ready before December 1.
>Q2: Does it run on a browser like IE, ff, Chrome, and so on? or, just an independent software on an OS?
A1: It will run in all the standard browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari). There will be an app made for Android and IOS.
I dont plan to make independent software specifically for any OS unless there is very high demand.
>Q3: which framework are you going to use? .Net? Java?
A1: I will use Haskell to build the cloud backend and API. Jquery and emberjs will be used for the browser front-end.
The mobile apps will use Java for Android and Objective-C for IOS.
>Q4: Is it a software only for windows-PC?
A1: No. The software will work on any modern web browser. There will be apps made for Android and IOS.
>Which version of windows(web-browsers?) are you going to support? Vista and later? 7 and later? 8? 8.1?
Answer: It will run in the web browser. You will need a modern web browser. My development will be focused on IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
>No other platforms like linux/unix/droids/apple/macpads?
It will work as long as you have a modern web browser. There will be a native app for Android and IOS.
If you have any more questions, then please ask. If anyone has a feature suggestion, then please tell me!
Q1. 専ブラのプラグインで使用することになるメッセージはいつ頃公表されますか? 翻訳に必要だし。
A1. リストは開発を始めた後に公表します。12月1日より前には出せるかも。
Q2. 専ブラはどうやって実行されますか?
A2. IEやFirefox、Chrome、Opera、Safariなど。一般的なブラウザ上で実行されます。
Q3. フレームワークはどんなの使うのかな? .NetかなJavaかな
A3. HaskellをクラウドのバックエンドとAPIに使います。
Q4. 専ブラはWindowsを実行するPC用のソフトになるのかな?
A4. モダンなブラウザで実行可能なソフトです。泥と林檎IOSではアプリで提供します。
Thank you very much.
Other participants might add their opinion for this..
Theme: identification/synchronize/bookmark? 思いつきで書いた
multiple posts PAGE#1
How are you going to identify an account? by mailaddress and registered password? by nickname and its password?
or, some other information like cookie based something which was already generated at the last access?
Do the d-browser stores read-pointer of every thread, bookmarks of boards/threads?
they're referred to as STATE hereinafter.
Q1106-2:異なるデバイス間で既読ポインタ同期は可能? ブクマ共有とかも。
Do the STATE shared all the devices like PC1, PC2, droid, and mactab owned by one person?
i-Google like usability will be a kind of ideal answer, i think.
Q1106-3:既読ポインタやスレ・板ブクマなどの情報保存は鯖のみ? ローカルにも保存させる?
Is it possible to store STATE information onto each devices? Is STATE would be held only in a server in bbspink?
If the STATE is duplicated to each devices locally, is that a Cookie or something .ini file?
to be continued to PAGE#2
Q1106-5:もし、鯖側の情報とローカルの情報が食い違ったら、どっちを優先させるの? 鯖側固定?
When the STATE having difference between the one in server side and user_local side, which priors to the other?
Only server side? judged after the comparision of their timestamps?
Q1106-5memo: PCの初期化で日付は新しいが記述内容がほぼ空のiniファイルが作られたようなとき、
memo: If the user had an OS error and rolled back to the previous state, its STATE might differ.
In case of accidental cookie flushing in a device, d-browser may renew the STATE file,
then the data is compared to the one in server,,,,
the later time-stamped local file might be overwritten to the server and got nothing.
(I remembered an overwriting error in the active_directory server. Newly built/joined AD server sent
its newer-time-stamped empty data to the existing AD servers,
then the 'empty' data is duplicated to the servers immediately. Sooner, thousands of craims/screams...haha)
Q1106-6:コテハンの自動入力とか、手動入力とか設定できる? 板・スレ別の設定はある?
Do the handle name filled automatically? Someone will use this, someone, inconvinient for someone.
Q1106-7:自動ログイン機能は実装されますか? それはデフォルトでON? 手動でOffさせたり可能?
Is the d-browser loggs in automatically whenever a browser started?
Is that configured manually? Some user may share a PC/tabs to the other person in a family.
Those users might need manual triggered log-in to the server.
[act against for the shoulder hacking?] Also, when the log-in link is opened accidentally,
its account name(maybe equal to a mail-address) should not be listed so that the accunt is invisible to the oterh person.
yes, i know myself as chicken-hearted. あー、気にしすぎだって意見は承知しております。
to be continued to PAGE#3
maybe tomorrow
Thank you for your wonderful questions. Does anybody have any opinions about these questions?
If you have an opinion, please talk now. I have an opinion, but I will wait to hear your opinions before I talk.
I want to make a community browser that everyone can enjoy. I want to hear everybody's opinion before I begin coding this project.
Thank you very much.
you're welcome. ah,, I feel so sorry for you
since I'm talking about many restrictive items for you.
Page#3 will describe two items; the privacy policy/statement of the service
and the alternative path for the main mail address failure..
I dont feel it is too restrictive. I just want to make a good product. We still have two weeks before I start coding.
Lets figure out exactly what features and restrictions will be needed before I start coding.
maybe here agn tonight.
part#3 is;
and so on.
Q1107-5:将来、有料化? サービスの全部または一部が。
i think that many people regards 2ch/bbspink as underground site on the net. also, bbspink is a porn site.
this would be common for the users of these sites.
therefore, i'm strongly expecting those services as deeply considered for the privacy related accidents of users.
if not, few person will be here again. (my 'hostile' talk to you is based on it.)
this looks like a question fight in the congress.
Privacy is my number one concern.
it seems better to ask/point/show details about it when people having/found something about it.
or, do i need to start from scratch?
How does the cloud-based dedicated browser post messages?
Does it post directly from the client-side host?
That means the cloud server works only to store data.
Or, does it post via the cloud server?
That means the cloud server works as a proxy like the 2ch official P2.
Do you think the dedicated browser should post via the cloud server, or post directly from the client-side host?
Currently we are in the planning stage. We could make the browser work with either method.
I have not started writing the software specification yet. I will begin writing the specification on November 20th.
If you want to help write the specification, then we can work on it together.
I am looking forward to the new browser of Ronald.
I prefer Ron.
Lets make an awesome dedicated browser together.
No, I don't think so.
It sounds good if we can select which method the dedicated browser uses.
As for me, it is interesting if I can use it as yet another P2.
But, in that case, I wonder whether it is free or not.
Does P2 cost money to use?
We can discuss about whether this new dedicated browser will be free or not.
I have begun working on the browser already. In a few days I will begin publishing some things that need to be translated into Japanese.
I will also provide a working demo version as soon as I can (probably before the end of November).
I am working on the front-end design first, and will make it look great before I begin implementing the backend stuff.
This way, we will have more time to talk about the backend functions, such as which method of posting we will use.
P2 costs no money to use it as a read-only browser.
But, P2 costs 5,000 moritapo-points per year to post messages.
We can buy 20,000 moritapo-points for 2,000 yen.
Thank you for telling me how it works.
Happy new years to you too!
I am still working on the dedicated browser. I had too many urgent projects at the end of 2013 so I havent finished the dedicated browser yet.
I will have a browser to show you guys soon. After it is ready I will post the link in here.
rushing may include some care-less mistakes into one's work.
also, please proceed some urgent/prior business to make it working properly.
still i'm expecting the day of official release.
the extra postponed time may give me to think about something around of d-browser in detail.
I am getting ready to release the first ALPHA build of the dedicated browser this weekend.
It is designed for mobile devices. I will post a link here tomorrow so you guys can try it.
I still plan to continue this project. I will ask if Jim-san's office workers can help build it.
It is a great idea. We are still behind on our current critical tasks. As soon as we get caught up.
I would like to make one with the guys. Let's make a dedicated browser. It is a good idea. 0067うふ〜ん
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