仲良く折り紙とか折ってそうだわ 0544薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 11:54:31.04ID:Kb3Ue8rX0>>540 右の人、RYOさんだっけ? 0545薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 12:25:57.42ID:UGHWe2DP0 ぐーくん 0546薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 12:26:41.21ID:0hRB8Huq0>>543 なんで左のネクタイが葬儀用なのかしら 0547薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 12:49:20.22ID:7kON70Qt0>>545 グロ 0548薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 13:07:55.74ID:IJ62XmIg00549薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 13:09:40.01ID:3dlVLxDe0>>545 あーちゃりー 0550薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 13:34:11.64ID:93C4lI9Z00551薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 13:36:29.06ID:VRHDGPmy0https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCONiFqWhaabk8WuaCmlXv3g0552薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 13:58:42.07ID:9u8od7ui00553薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 16:44:31.80ID:o9US13bq0>>318 グロ 0554薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 18:24:25.69ID:vph+EKkw0>>545 かわいい 0555薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:01:26.43ID:x/1hFIq40>>501 袈裟固めがまったくできてない こんなの秒で返されて死ぬわよ 柔道着の袖も短すぎてこんなの周りから注意されるレベルよ 0556薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:19:10.98ID:XAKhWmjm0 アイドルのビキニグラビア見て「こんな小っせえ水着じゃええ記録出せねぇだ」とか言っちゃうタイプかしら 0557薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:24:31.95ID:PMbze6/s0>>5550558薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:28:27.98ID:XpxbBPfo0 ホモなのに冗談が通じないなんて可哀想ね 0559薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:41:53.86ID:j45Vue3m0>>550 全体を見てみたいわね 0560薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:43:10.16ID:j45Vue3m0>>501 こいついっつもコスプレしてるけど 何着ても着こなせてないから違和感ありあり 0561薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 19:52:33.10ID:5mD01hVs0 胸と二の腕しか鍛えてない典型的ベンチ豚だからナルシスト全開のコス写真は滑稽だわ 0562薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 20:22:57.29ID:LKgVswl60>>555 ペラッペラの道着の時点でコスプレ上等ってわかるわ? 0563薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 20:46:02.54ID:XAKhWmjm0 笑えてるからいいんじゃない 0564薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 21:02:21.74ID:7kON70Qt0 モザイクキツすぎ 0565薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 21:36:15.62ID:0O6bvVso0>>548 タマタマ引きずり出して吸いたい 0566薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 21:46:40.07ID:eKj4bU9s0>>540 東さん、、、 0567薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:04:31.68ID:GC+tlsyJ0>>540 東、いい老け方してるわね いまでもイケるわ 0568薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:08:02.85ID:0Z0PFixp0>>501 柔道っていうより空手っぽく見えたわ 0569薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:14:21.06ID:jYBPkAut0>>418 目が4んでる・・・ 0570薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:16:46.55ID:TwMskaJR0 レッドブルのピットにスキンの奴がいるね。いつも顔が出ないけど 0571薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:44:02.90ID:uizSzB0R0 laws. Despite the occasional ping-pong battle between the House and the Senate, at the end of the day it got done . Mostly.(And in case you're keeping score - the Liberals passed 88 bills during this term, while the previous Tory government passed 122 bills over the course of its last majority mandate.) Meanwhile, bills that would have mandated sexual assault training for judges, implemented the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and banned "unhealthy" food and beverage marketing directed at children failed to cross the finish line. Are they gone for good? That's where the election comes in. The chances are that some of the bills that died a painful death will be resuscitated after the upcoming election campaign. In some cases, political parties already have pledged to do so. According to former Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose, who was behind the bill to make sexual assault training mandatory for federally-appointed judges, the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have all promised to re-introduce her bill as government legislation, should they form the next government. Politically, that isn't surprising. Ambrose's bill passed unanimously in the House of Commons. It then headed to the Senate where it sat for two years and ultimately fell victim to Senate shenanigans. (We could have a long discussion about said shenanigans and★ the efficacy of the Senate, but I'll save that gem for another edition of this newsletter.) The UNDRIP bill is another big one. This was a private member's bill, sponsored by NDP MP Romeo Saganash. It would have aimed to harmonize federal laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The bill was hotly contested in the Senate because of a provision that 0572薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:45:04.51ID:uizSzB0R0 history of injection drug use are screened and treated for the virus.“It takes a lot of willpower and effort on their end to come out of this. And if we don’t provide them with enough support, they’re not going to be able to,” says Monty Ghosh, a University of Alberta professor who splits his They have very little money to take a bus to get to where they need to be,” says Ghosh. “Sometimes they have to decide between food and lining up to get into the shelter versus actually making their medical ppointment.”In a best-case scenario, Gosh says, it can take five months to clear the body of the hepatitis C virus. Usually, it’s more like nine o 10 months. There are numerous blood tests and followups a patient must go through over that time. The initiative is funded with $46,000 through what pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences Canada calls a “micro-elimination” grant. The grants are meant to help organizations combat hepatitis C in the most affected groups.“We recognize that it will take more than just science to eliminate the burden of (hepatitis C) on patients, our health system and Canadian society as a whole,” says Gilead general manager Kennet Brysting.The Correctional Service of Canada says hepatitis C rates in federal prisons dropped to just under eight per cent in 2017 from 32 per cent in and Snke Johnsen, a biology professor at Duke University, hope that discoveries like theirs will continue to capture the public imagination and help spur support for oceanic res 2007. In the general population, fewer than one per cent of people have hepatitis C. The head of the John Howard Society of Canada, a group that advocates for an “effective, just and humane” criminal justice system, says inmates are sometimes released without a 0573薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:50:18.72ID:uizSzB0R0 Karanja Kibicho at Hotel La Mada to discuss how to “shore up support for the President in Mt Kenya and its diaspora” Interestingly, Mr Ruto, who the DCI said had complained to him about the assassination plot, has refused to record a statement. Instead, he has left it to his political wingmen to do the talking for him on social media and in public spaces.Interestingly, Mr Ruto, who the DCI said had complained to him about the assassination plot, has refused to record a statement. Instead, he has left it to his political wingmen to do the talking for him on social media and in public spaces.Moments after Mr Itumbi’s arrest, details on the circumstances under which the “assassination letter” may have been crafted and released to the public began to emerge.It turns out, as claimed by those close to the DP, the letter was to be circulated just like any other piece of fakery on social media, to be pushed to go viral for political fodder in the hope that it would draw the attention of neither the sleuths nor the Presidency. This was a gross miscalculation.“Where in this code no punishment is specifically provided for any misdemeanour, it shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or with a fine or to both,” it says. oming at a time when politicians opposed to Mr Ruto’s presidential bid from Central Kenya have grown bolder by the day, some insiders suggest, the letter’s intention was to make the DP appear as a victim of the region’s betrayal while at the same time giving him some sympathy in the region.When the letter was brought to the DP’s attention, he is said to have driven to State House to formally complain to his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, that some State operatives were after his life.Equally, he is also reported to have asked Mr Kenyatta if he was aware of the scheme.Surprised at the turn of events, the President quickly summoned security chiefs and 0574薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:53:05.96ID:vPKgHJz90 espite the occasional ping-pong battle between the House and the Senate, at the end of the day it got done . Mostly.(And in case you're keeping score - the Liberals passed 88 bills during this term, while the previous Tory government passed 122 bills over the course of its last majority mandate.) Meanwhile, bills that would have mandated sexual assault training for judges, implemented the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and banned "unhealthy" food and beverage marketing directed at children failed to cross the finish line. Are they gone for good? That's where the election comes in. The chances are that some of the bills that died a painful death will be resuscitated after the upcoming election campaign. In some cases, political parties already have pledged to do so. According to former Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose, who was behind the bill to make sexual assault training mandatory for federally-appointed judges, the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have all promised to re-introduce her bill as government legislation, should they form the next government. Politically, that isn't surprising. Ambrose's bill passed unanimously in the House of Commons. It then headed to the Senate where it sat for two years and ultimately fell victim to Senate shenanigans. (We could have a long discussion about said shenanigans and 0575薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:54:18.38ID:vPKgHJz90 ng-pong battle between the House and the Senate, at the end of the day it got done . Mostly.(And in case you're keeping score - the Liberals passed 88 bills during this term, while the previous ajgmdmwtagptgjm Tory government passed 122 bills over the course of its last majority mandate.) Meanwhile, bills that would have mandated sexual assault training for judges, implemented the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and banned "unhealthy" food and beverage marketing directed at children failed to cross the finish line. Are they gone for good? That's where the election comes in. The chances are that some of the bills that died a painful death will be resuscitated after the upcoming election campaign. In some cases, political parties already have pledged to do so. According to former Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose, who was behind the bill to make sexual assault training mandatory for federally-appointed judges, the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have all promised to re-introduce her bill as government legislation, should they form the next government. Politically, that isn't surprising. Ambrose's bill passed unanimously in the House of Commons. It then headed to the Senate where it sat for two years and ultimately fell victim to Senate shenanigans. (We could have a long discussion abjgptjaagjmdout said shena 0576薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 22:55:27.55ID:vPKgHJz90 ing-pong battle between the House and the Senate, at the end of the day it got done . Mostly.(And in case you're keeping score - the Liberals passed 88 bills during this term, while the previous gjtpttpppppppppppppppp Tory government passed 122 bills over the course of its last majority mandate.) Meanwhile, bills that would have mandated sexual assault training for judges, implemented the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and banned "unhealthy" food and beverage marketing directed at children failed to cross the finish line. Are they gone for good? That's where the election comes in. The chances are that some of the bills that died a painful death will be resuscitated after the upcoming election campaign. In some cases, political parties already have pledged to do so. According to former Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose, who was behind the bill to make sexual assault training mandatory for federally-appointed judges, the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have all promised to re-introduce her bill as government legislation, should they form the next government. Politically, that isn't surprising. Ambrose's bill passed unanimously in the House of Commons. ajjgptmmmajwptmppgtwdm It then headed to the Senate where it sat for two years and ultimately fell victim to Senate shenanigans. (We could have a long discussion 0577薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 23:06:36.47ID:QPYLqp2k0 左の人の顔って女性に付髭を付けたみたいね 0578薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 23:19:03.94ID:LKgVswl60 ショボい荒らし(笑) 0579薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 23:29:40.78ID:Bofx7S5W0 ぐーちゃんとエッチしたい 0580薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/12(金) 23:51:48.59ID:QodZZOnl0 俺とならグゥ 0581薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/13(土) 00:04:49.21ID:ymAV8OvX0>>501 これ柔道着のつもりなのね 生地薄いし袖短い加羅空手着かと思ったわ 0582薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/13(土) 00:15:23.30ID:Jm94ie7/0https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07C1L7HWN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_fpkkDbHE99YFA