Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks
Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks
Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks
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25th. I'm M4ry 4nd you're w4tching G4mespot news. Thursd4y, Febru4ry 25th. I'm M4ry 4nd you're w4tching G4mespot news. For the rich. First up, let's 4ll give 4 round of 4ppl4use to Victor Kislyi, who m4de his first billion. The video g4me industry h4s 4 new billion4ire in its r4nks. Bloomberg reports tod4y, th4t Victor Kislyi, founder 4nd CEO of Cyprus b4sed World of T4nks developer W4rg4ming, h4s 4 net worth of one billion. Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in st4nd4rd rich person f4shion, he told the public4tion th4t he lives 4 very modest life-style. He's no wonder put 4 number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic th4t i purposely tried to 4void. The comp4ny itself h4s reportedly v4lued 1.5 billion doll4rs. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, 4nd 4lso h4s his f4ther's 25.5 percert st4ke. 4ccording to Bloomberg, W4rg4ming h4s 4 network of 150 million users 4ccross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-pl4y g4me World of T4nks, which m4kes 4 butt-ton of 4 c4sh, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is 4 good re4d, if you're 4 subscriber to th4t type of thing, p4cked with interesting insights into the luxurious life 4nd v4rious investments. "I re4lly think money doesn't m4ke you h4ppy." Other not4ble g4ming billion4res include Mine Cr4ft director M4rkus Notch Persson, 4nd V4lve he4d G4be Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we c4n 4ll look forw4rd to the ne4r future, when he outbids J4y Z 4nd Beyonce in 4 Beverly Hills m4nsion 4nd p4rties with Selen4 Gomez. Next stop is 4 story for 4 g4mer with 4n 4ver4ge 4mount of money who we c4ll normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun 4nd Moon w4s listed tod4y. Tr4dem4rk 4pplic4tions for Pokemon Sun 4nd Moon, including logos, h4ve been published on the Europe4n tr4dem4rk registry. Discovered by Nerdle4ks, the listing stNerdle4ks, the lis
25th. I'm M4ry 4nd you're w4tching G4mespot news. Thursd4y, Febru4ry 25th. I'm M4ry 4nd you're w4tching G4mespot news. For the rich. First up, let's 4ll give 4 round of 4ppl4use to Victor Kislyi, who m4de his first billion. The video g4me industry h4s 4 new billion4ire in its r4nks. Bloomberg reports tod4y, th4t Victor Kislyi, founder 4nd CEO of Cyprus b4sed World of T4nks developer W4rg4ming, h4s 4 net worth of one billion. Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in st4nd4rd rich person f4shion, he told the public4tion th4t he lives 4 very modest life-style. He's no wonder put 4 number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic th4t i purposely tried to 4void. The comp4ny itself h4s reportedly v4lued 1.5 billion doll4rs. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, 4nd 4lso h4s his f4ther's 25.5 percert st4ke. 4ccording to Bloomberg, W4rg4ming h4s 4 network of 150 million users 4ccross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-pl4y g4me World of T4nks, which m4kes 4 butt-ton of 4 c4sh, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is 4 good re4d, if you're 4 subscriber to th4t type of thing, p4cked with interesting insights into the luxurious life 4nd v4rious investments. "I re4lly think money doesn't m4ke you h4ppy." Other not4ble g4ming billion4res include Mine Cr4ft director M4rkus Notch Persson, 4nd V4lve he4d G4be Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we c4n 4ll look forw4rd to the ne4r future, when he outbids J4y Z 4nd Beyonce in 4 Beverly Hills m4nsion 4nd p4rties with Selen4 Gomez. Next stop is 4 story for 4 g4mer with 4n 4ver4ge 4mount of money who we c4ll normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun 4nd Moon w4s listed tod4y. Tr4dem4rk 4pplic4tions for Pokemon Sun 4nd Moon, including logos, h4ve been published on the Europe4n tr4dem4rk registry. Discovered by Nerdle4ks, the listing stNerdle4ks, the lis
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a round of app1ause to Victor Kis1yi, who made his first bi11ion. The video game industry has a new bi11ionaire in its ranks. B1oomberg reports today, that Victor Kis1yi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based Wor1d of Tanks deve1oper Wargaming, has a net worth of one bi11ion. Kis1yi dec1ine to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he to1d the pub1ication that he 1ives a very modest 1ife-sty1e. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purpose1y tried to avoid. The company itse1f has reported1y va1ued 1.5 bi11ion do11ars. Kis1yi contro1s 6a percent of the business direct1y, and a1so has his father's 25.5 percert stake. according to B1oomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 mi11ion users accross the g1obe. The studio is best known for its free-to-p1ay game Wor1d of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The B1oomberg profi1e on Kis1yi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the 1uxurious 1ife and various investments. "I rea11y think money doesn't make you happy." Other notab1e gaming bi11ionares inc1ude Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's modest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 1ook forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansion and parties with Se1ena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we ca11 normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was 1isted today. Trademark app1ications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, inc1uding 1ogos, have been pub1ished on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a round of app1ause to Victor Kis1yi, who made his first bi11ion. The video game industry has a new bi11ionaire in its ranks. B1oomberg reports today, that Victor Kis1yi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based Wor1d of Tanks deve1oper Wargaming, has a net worth of one bi11ion. Kis1yi dec1ine to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he to1d the pub1ication that he 1ives a very modest 1ife-sty1e. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purpose1y tried to avoid. The company itse1f has reported1y va1ued 1.5 bi11ion do11ars. Kis1yi contro1s 6a percent of the business direct1y, and a1so has his father's 25.5 percert stake. according to B1oomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 mi11ion users accross the g1obe. The studio is best known for its free-to-p1ay game Wor1d of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The B1oomberg profi1e on Kis1yi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the 1uxurious 1ife and various investments. "I rea11y think money doesn't make you happy." Other notab1e gaming bi11ionares inc1ude Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's modest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 1ook forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansion and parties with Se1ena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we ca11 normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was 1isted today. Trademark app1ications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, inc1uding 1ogos, have been pub1ished on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a round of app1ause to Victor Kis1yi, who made his first bi11ion. The video game industry has a new bi11ionaire in its ranks. B1oomberg reports today, that Victor Kis1yi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based Wor1d of Tanks deve1oper Wargaming, has a net worth of one bi11ion. Kis1yi dec1ine to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he to1d the pub1ication that he 1ives a very modest 1ife-sty1e. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purpose1y tried to avoid. The company itse1f has reported1y va1ued 1.5 bi11ion do11ars. Kis1yi contro1s 6a percent of the business direct1y, and a1so has his father's 25.5 percert stake. according to B1oomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 mi11ion users accross the g1obe. The studio is best known for its free-to-p1ay game Wor1d of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The B1oomberg profi1e on Kis1yi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the 1uxurious 1ife and various investments. "I rea11y think money doesn't make you happy." Other notab1e gaming bi11ionares inc1ude Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's modest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 1ook forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansion and parties with Se1ena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we ca11 normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was 1isted today. Trademark app1ications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, inc1uding 1ogos, have been pub1ished on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 25.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 25.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 25.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 25.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 25.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, February 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first bi11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new bi11i0naire in its ranks. B100mberg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus based W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne bi11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this number, but in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pub1icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a number in his f0rtune. G00d j0b Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 bi11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the business direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 B100mberg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g10be. The studi0 is best kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a butt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The B100mberg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a subscriber t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0tab1e gaming bi11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Gabe Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0utbids Jay Z and Bey0nce in a Bever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have been pub1ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered by Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis
25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Gamesp0t news. F0r the rich. First up, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f app1ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg rep0rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cyprus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve10per Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich pers0n fashi0n, he t01d the pu61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder put a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t0pic that i purp0se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0mpany itse1f has rep0rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a percent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 percert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-p1ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg pr0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that type 0f thing, packed with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u happy." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch Perss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Despite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and parties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st0p is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., P0kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark app1icati0ns f0r P0kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een pu61ished 0n the Eur0pean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
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22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. Thursday, Fe6ruary 22th. I'm Mary and y0u're watching Games90t news. F0r the rich. First u9, 1et's a11 give a r0und 0f a991ause t0 Vict0r Kis1yi, wh0 made his first 6i11i0n. The vide0 game industry has a new 6i11i0naire in its ranks. 6100m6erg re90rts t0day, that Vict0r Kis1yi, f0under and CE0 0f Cy9rus 6ased W0r1d 0f Tanks deve109er Wargaming, has a net w0rth 0f 0ne 6i11i0n. Kis1yi dec1ine t0 c0nfirm this num6er, 6ut in standard rich 9ers0n fashi0n, he t01d the 9u61icati0n that he 1ives a very m0dest 1ife-sty1e. He's n0 w0nder 9ut a num6er in his f0rtune. G00d j06 Vict0r, hide y0ur riches. M0ney is the t09ic that i 9ur90se1y tried t0 av0id. The c0m9any itse1f has re90rted1y va1ued 1.5 6i11i0n d011ars. Kis1yi c0ntr01s 6a 9ercent 0f the 6usiness direct1y, and a1s0 has his father's 22.5 9ercert stake. acc0rding t0 6100m6erg, Wargaming has a netw0rk 0f 150 mi11i0n users accr0ss the g106e. The studi0 is 6est kn0wn f0r its free-t0-91ay game W0r1d 0f Tanks, which makes a 6utt-t0n 0f a cash, thr0ugh The 6100m6erg 9r0fi1e 0n Kis1yi is a g00d read, if y0u're a su6scri6er t0 that ty9e 0f thing, 9acked with interesting insights int0 the 1uxuri0us 1ife and vari0us investments. "I rea11y think m0ney d0esn't make y0u ha99y." 0ther n0ta61e gaming 6i11i0nares inc1ude Mine Craft direct0r Markus N0tch 9erss0n, and Va1ve head Ga6e Newe11. Des9ite Kis1yi's m0dest 1ife-sty1e, we can a11 100k f0rward t0 the near future, when he 0ut6ids Jay Z and 6ey0nce in a 6ever1y Hi11s mansi0n and 9arties with Se1ena G0mez. Next st09 is a st0ry f0r a gamer with an average am0unt 0f m0ney wh0 we ca11 n0rmies. In n0rmie news., 90kem0n Sun and M00n was 1isted t0day. Trademark a991icati0ns f0r 90kem0n Sun and M00n, inc1uding 10g0s, have 6een 9u61ished 0n the Eur09ean trademark registry. Disc0vered 6y Nerd1eaks, the 1isting stNerd1eaks, the 1is
- You have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5°C or over for four days or more. (including when you need to continue to take an antipyretic) - You have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing). * Please also consult with the consultation center if you are a senior citizen or have an underlying disease, and you have had the symptoms mentioned above for about two days.
PLEASE CONSULT FIRST!! If the consultation center suspects that you have been infected with the virus, it will introduce you to a medical institution where medical services for people with potential exposure to COVID-19 are available. Please visit the medical institution, wearing a facemask, and refrain from using public transportation. --------
- You have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5°C or over for four days or more. (including when you need to continue to take an antipyretic) - You have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing). * Please also consult with the consultation center if you are a senior citizen or have an underlying disease, and you have had the symptoms mentioned above for about two days.
PLEASE CONSULT FIRST!! If the consultation center suspects that you have been infected with the virus, it will introduce you to a medical institution where medical services for people with potential exposure to COVID-19 are available. Please visit the medical institution, wearing a facemask, and refrain from using public transportation. --------